This guide will show you how to create an event.
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How-to: create an event
On the "Events" tab (available via the menu at the bottom of the screen) click the button "Create new event" at the top of the screen.
Provide the name of the event (e.g. Wednesday Evening Regatta 14-8-2020 or Spring Series 2020), the expected beginning and end date of the event as well as its location (e.g. Kiel or Hamble).
If the event is is a one design regatta, select "One design" under Regatta details and provide the boat class that will be sailed. Once you start typing, an autocomplete box will suggest classes, but you can enter anything in case we haven't encountered your boat class before.
If the event is a handicap regatta, select "Handicap" under Regatta details.
Under Races and scoring, enter how many races will be sailed. If you plan to have any discards, tab the + button to add one or more discard after any race. You can change both the number of races and the discards later as well.
Once you have entered all your details press "Create event" to create your event.
How-to: Invite competitors
After you have created your event you can invite competitors by visiting the event detail page.
On the "Events" tab (available via the menu at the bottom of the screen) select the event that you previously created. Then press "Invite competitors". This will provide you with a variety of different ways to share the invite url.
How-to: Participate in your own event
On the "Events" tab (available via the menu at the bottom of the screen) select the event that you previously created. Then click on "Join as competitor". Afterwards you will be asked what boat your want to sail or be given the option to create your first.
Next Steps: Create a course.
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